
Roberto Santinoli

di anni 82

I Funerali avranno luogo Sabato 4 Marzo alle ore 11 nella Chiesa Parrocchiale di Salice Terme.

Indi si proseguirà per il tempio di Valenza.

Il S.Rosario sarà recitato Venerdì 3 Marzo alle ore 19 nella suddetta Chiesa.

Grazie a quanti si uniranno al ricordo.


  1. Costas Mastrocostas on

    I would like to express my deep condolesences for my dear friend Roberto. We played bridge together for the last 4 years in BBO and I didnt know he passed away, i just read it. He wrote to me that he had a heart surgery. and i really hoped he would be fine. My name is Costas Mastrocostas from Greece, bbo nickname acdcmastro and his nickname was sonoscarsa. He was such a nice man with humour and so very kind and helpful to me. We talked on the phone and I feel so sad this moment. May he rest in peace and be together with his son in the heavens that he lost around 2 years ago. My deep sympathy for his beloved ones, his brother as i remember that he mentioned to me.

    So long my dear Roberto. Your caro amico da Grecia.
    🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁


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